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Kirsty Logan

Hello! I’m Kirsty Logan, a writer of novels and short stories. My latest book is Now She is Witch, a medieval witch revenge quest. My other books are Things We Say In The Dark, The Gloaming, The Gracekeepers, A Portable Shelter, and The Rental Heart & Other Fairytales.

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Kirsty Logan

Hello! I’m Kirsty Logan, a writer of novels and short stories. My latest book is Now She is Witch, a medieval witch revenge quest. My other books are Things We Say In The Dark, The Gloaming, The Gracekeepers, A Portable Shelter, and The Rental Heart & Other Fairytales.


Things I Like #2: Passive-Aggressive Notes

7th Mar 2011 in Uncategorised

Today, be entertained by the vast swathes of human emotion on display at

Here are my favourites:

#1. The Saddest Person In The World

I’m always impressed by such effective emotional blackmail. It’s not for amateurs.


#2. BABIES???????????????

It is a big question, no doubt about that. But I do wonder whether that many question marks were really necessary.


#3. Elaine’s Food

I have never experienced the unbearable pain of having someone eat food I left in the office fridge, so perhaps I am being harsh in mocking Elaine. But seriously, a whole drawer? I bet Elaine is everyone’s favourite person in the office. She seems like a right laugh.


I hope that these cheer up your Monday – or even inspire you to vent your own rage in the form of notes.

One response to “Things I Like #2: Passive-Aggressive Notes”

  1. Martha says:

    Replace note.
    ‘Sorry, Elaine, I ate your note.’

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