Thievery: Peach Cigarettes in Tokyo
6th Jul 2010 in Thievery, Writing
Thievery is a series of blog posts about my story inspirations.
The Story:
‘Peach Cigarettes in Tokyo’, published in Pear Noir! #4.
An extract:
“The first time I ever smoked a peach cigarette, I was wearing a dinosaur suit and sitting on my friend’s balcony in a Tokyo suburb. My friend had a dinosaur suit because he’d gone to a fancy dress party the week before, and I was wearing it because I was cold and it was made of fleece. I’d never been much of a smoker, but the vending machine sold dozens of different flavours and what was the point of traveling halfway around the world if I wasn’t going to try new things?”
The Inspiration:
(Note: the third part of this story previously appeared in a slightly different form as my Darling Wigleaf letter. Which proves nothing except that I rip myself off.)