Matryoshka on BBC Radio 4
7th Jan 2011 in Writing
If you missed my story on the radio this week (because you have a job or a life or something), then please do feel free to have a listen at the link below. It’s got a spoiled princess, an alluring servant, and unrequited love. You get a special prize if you figure out which story it’s retelling before the halfway point!
I have a job, but was fortunate enough to hear your delightful story on Radio 4 whilst travelling. It was enchanting. And the narrator’s voice delightful and perfect for the part. I don’t know what story it was you were re-telling (Cinderella?) but I was bewitched.
Thank you, Philip! I’m so glad you liked it. I was really impressed with the reader too; she gave new depth and emotion to the story that I hadn’t even realised was there.
Very nice. Congrats, Kirsty!
Thanks, Julie!
I love your website. The ‘write first, life later’ is a philosophy I’m really trying to use this year. I’m definitely going to take part in A Story A Day this year – I’m already looking forward to May!
i really enjoyed your story on the radio – it was totally captivating and the narrator’s voice was hypnotic.
i look forward to checking out more of your work.
thank you for sharing your talent!
[…] the Sea, from FPQ Winter 2011) edits, teaches, and writes in her native Scotland. Her short story Matryoshka was broadcast live on BBC Radio 4 earlier this year. If you want to read more about her, just check out her excellent blog (, where […]