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Kirsty Logan

Hello! I’m Kirsty Logan, a writer of novels and short stories. My latest book is Now She is Witch, a medieval witch revenge quest. My other books are Things We Say In The Dark, The Gloaming, The Gracekeepers, A Portable Shelter, and The Rental Heart & Other Fairytales.

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Kirsty Logan

Hello! I’m Kirsty Logan, a writer of novels and short stories. My latest book is Now She is Witch, a medieval witch revenge quest. My other books are Things We Say In The Dark, The Gloaming, The Gracekeepers, A Portable Shelter, and The Rental Heart & Other Fairytales.


Fortnightly Check-In

5th Oct 2009 in Uncategorised

How do I keep missing the weekly check-in? Shameful.

Acceptances: 2 – Writers’ Bloc, who replied within an hour! Very friendly and the last issue contains many writers I like (and some we just accepted into Fractured West). Also Verbicide for that classic piece of literature, ‘Queer Zombie Disco‘.

Rejections: 8 – 3 from magazines I really like, 3 I’d forgotten I’d even submitted to, and a very nice one from Fiction Circus. And, of course, McSweeney’s. I have begun making my rejections list font size 4 so that I can’t see it.

Stories Submitted: 1 interview, 3 poems, 1 essay, 3 contests (one of which awards £20,000 – oh please please please…) and a bunch of erotica stories to anthologies.

Stories Started: 9

Stories Finished: 5 – Scars (a personal essay for the FFW contest), Baby Catalogue (a poem), a group of pieces for Abe’s Penny, a very short piece for Wigleaf, and In Our House By the Sea (an erotic romance about a couple who live by in a cottage on the coast and spend their days cooking eggs and jumping in the freezing sea).

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