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Kirsty Logan

Hello! I’m Kirsty Logan, a writer of novels and short stories. My latest book is Now She is Witch, a medieval witch revenge quest. My other books are Things We Say In The Dark, The Gloaming, The Gracekeepers, A Portable Shelter, and The Rental Heart & Other Fairytales.

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Kirsty Logan

Hello! I’m Kirsty Logan, a writer of novels and short stories. My latest book is Now She is Witch, a medieval witch revenge quest. My other books are Things We Say In The Dark, The Gloaming, The Gracekeepers, A Portable Shelter, and The Rental Heart & Other Fairytales.


Acceptable in the 80s

16th Jun 2010 in Personal

A friend recently saw an old photo of me and said: “I enjoyed your performance in that Calvin Harris video”. This was not the first time I have heard that comment.

One photo is me, one is the girl from the video. Spot the difference!


I can’t even claim that as a celebrity lookalike, really. Although I do enjoy dancing around with stuffed otters. (If that doesn’t make sense, you can watch the whole video here).

2 responses to “Acceptable in the 80s”

  1. Avery Oslo says:

    To this day I can’t spot the difference. I suspect the bottom one is you and the top is her and you’re just messing with us.

  2. Kirsty Logan says:

    Or they’re both me. Or they’re both her. To be honest, I don’t even know any more.

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